In recent years, witchcraft and pagan practices like Wicca and Druidry have grown in popularity, drawing people from all walks of life. If you’re new to this world, you might feel both excited and overwhelmed by the journey ahead. Becoming a practicing witch, or “baby witch,” as beginners are often called, can feel like stepping into a magical new world—but where do you even start?
To help you on your path, gather your best metaphysical supplies and read on as we’ve put together a simple guide featuring three easy spells you can use to enhance your everyday life. But before diving into the spells, let’s take a moment to explore the values that often guide those on a pagan path.
Understanding Pagan Values
Before we get started, I think its important to really understand Pagan Values. Generally, there is a life-affirming attitude, one that celebrates the human body, the beauty of nature, sexuality and freedom. There is no focus on a ‘sacred text’ in a traditional sense, so there’s not one single book or text where you can find your guidance, instead modern Paganism focuses on a much more personal experience and the role of nature in our individual lives. Although, living with no fixed ‘rules’ can often be a challenge, you constantly have to use your own judgements about what the least harmful course of action is in every day life. You must ask yourself if you’re living your life as ethically as possible. An easy way to navigate this is to keep ethical issues such as equality, environmental concerns, diversity and social justice in your mind with everything you do.
“An ye harm none, do what ye will” – The Wiccan Rede.
For a rundown of some Wiccan keywords, check out our previous blog posts ‘Wiccan Key Words’ Part One and Part Two by clicking the links.
Spell #1: Protection Spell Bag
Spell bags are a simple and effective way to bring magic into your daily life. They’re small pouches filled with items chosen for their specific energies or properties, and they can be customized for almost any purpose. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating a protection spell bag for your home:
You’ll Need:
- A sturdy drawstring bag (black velvet works well for this purpose)
- Spearmint: Repels negative energy and provides psychic protection
- Wintergreen: Promotes harmony, peace, and a healthy home environment
- Benzoin: Cleanses the atmosphere and wards off negativity
- Frankincense: Brings blessings and raises the energy in your space
- Clear quartz: Amplifies and cleanses the energy of the spell
- Lay out your drawstring bag and open it. Speak words of intention over it, asking for protection and positive energy in your home.
- Take each ingredient and, before placing it in the bag, hold it in your hands and speak words of power. For example, say, “Spearmint, I charge you to protect this home from harm.”
- Once all items are in the bag, seal it tightly and chant another affirmation or blessing over it.
- Place these spell bags around your home—near doorways, windows, or anywhere you feel needs extra protection.
Spell #2: Creativity Sigil Ritual
A sigil is a powerful magical symbol created to represent an intention or desire. This spell is perfect for sparking creativity, especially during Pisces season (February 18th–March 20th), when the creative energies around you may feel strong but unfocused.
You’ll Need:
- A blank canvas
- Black and red acrylic paint
- Cedarwood essential oil
- Cleanse your workspace and materials to clear away negative energy. Ground yourself by taking deep breaths and focusing on the present moment.
- Meditate on your intention: “Everything I create is exactly what I am supposed to create.” Repeat this mantra as you begin to design your sigil on the canvas using black paint. Don’t worry about making it perfect—let your intuition guide you.
- Once the black paint dries, mix a few drops of cedarwood essential oil into your red paint. Paint over the sigil with the red paint, finalizing the design with confidence.
- Hang your sigil in your workspace, and touch it before starting any creative project. Repeat your mantra to infuse your work with inspiration and purpose.
Spell #3: Self-Love Candle Ritual
Self-love is a cornerstone of personal growth and happiness. This simple candle spell helps you focus on loving yourself and cultivating positive energy in your life.
You’ll Need:
- Three candles of any color that represents love to you (pink, white, or red are great options)
- Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus. Ground yourself by taking a few deep breaths and clearing your mind.
- Light the first candle and say, “I am love. I am the loved and the lover. My love begins with me.” Visualize love radiating from your heart, filling your entire being.
- Light the second candle and say, “Love is my inner pendulum. It keeps me centered and balanced.” Picture a pendulum swinging gently, then coming to rest in a peaceful, still position.
- Light the third candle and say, “As a love-bearing and centered person, I create happiness and joy in my life.” Think of something that makes you truly happy and let that joy fill you from head to toe.
- Finish by playing a song that makes you want to dance. Let the music amplify your positive energy. Burn the candles at the same time each day until they are completely used up.
Your Magical Journey Begins
As a beginner in witchcraft, remember that your journey is personal. There’s no right or wrong timeline for learning or practicing, and it’s important not to compare yourself to others. Embrace the process, explore what resonates with you, and take pride in each step you take toward discovering your unique path.
Enjoy the magic of everyday life, and may your journey be filled with joy, growth, and endless possibilities. Blessed be!